What are Research Translation AcceLUrator (RTA) courses?
The RTA courses are new one credit courses designed specifically for Lehigh doctoral students (from across all five colleges), faculty and Postdocs to enhance professional development and accelerate research translation. These courses are provided as part of the NSF-funded Accelerating Research Translation award to Lehigh, with the goal of maximizing research impact and fostering societal innovations.

How do RTA courses benefit doctoral students?
Lehigh doctoral students expand the breadth and depth of their knowledge as they learn alongside fellow doctoral students from across Lehigh’s departments and colleges. They also develop their professional skills of communication, project management, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and networking, resilience and adaptability.

How do RTA courses integrate with doctoral students’ other academic requirements, as well as provide support for the faculty advisors of doctoral students?
Tuition is not charged for doctoral students taking these courses. Doctoral students should speak with their faculty advisor about how one or more of these courses could count towards the required credits for spring 2025; one of the following example scenarios may apply (noting that students studying at Lehigh on a visa should check with the Lehigh Office of International Students and Scholars, OISS,  regarding your eligibility to take online courses):

  • A doctoral student could take one or more of these no-cost courses as part of their coursework electives (per their faculty advisor and department's approval), freeing up dollars for other research or conference expenses
  • A doctoral student could take eight research credits plus one of the one credit RTA courses in order to reach the 9 credit full-time status; the faculty advisor would only have to pay for eight credits of tuition
  • A doctoral student could take seven research credits plus two of the one credit RTA courses in order to reach the 9 credit full-time status; the faculty advisor would only have to pay for seven credits of tuition
  • One of the one credit RTA courses could count as the required credit for maintenance of candidacy.

How does a doctoral student register for an RTA course?
A doctoral student (from any college) at Lehigh registers through Registration and Academic Services as is the case for any Lehigh course. If an override is required, reach out to Brianne Lisk at brc3@lehigh.edu.

Can a Lehigh postdoc or a faculty member take an RTA course?
Yes. Lehigh postdocs and faculty will need to register as non-degree graduate students. To enroll, reach out to Brianne Lisk at brc3@lehigh.edu.

Who do I reach out to with questions about the curriculum and how these courses can enhance my learning?
Contact Michael Lehman, MD, MBA, Provost Faculty Fellow; Director, Technical Entrepreneurship; Professor of Practice at mil312@lehigh.edu.